
Tamir. 'Take every opportunity'
Photo: Muki Schwartz
Yishai. 'Olmert has no mandate'
Photo: Gil Yohanan
Assad. Doesn't know Olmert resigned?
Photo: AFP

Ministers conflicted over renewing talks with Syria

While sources from Prime Minister's Office say Turkish mediated talks to resume in a few weeks, some cabinet members oppose idea, saying 'Olmert has no mandate to continue process'

Can an interim government continue to hold talks with Syria? Cabinet ministers hold different opinions on Prime Minister Ehud Olmert continuing negotiations with general elections only three months away.


Yedioth Ahronoth daily's Friday edition featured a report that Olmert sent a message to the Syrians informing them that the Turkish mediated talks would be renewed.


The Prime Minister's Office has already made it clear that talks would continue. "Nonetheless, don't put the cart before the horse, the prime minister does not plan on giving the Syrians a deposit – the commitment to retreat completely from the Golan Heights," an announcement said.


Shas ministers oppose the interim government continuing talks with Syria, and Minister Eli Yishai said on Sunday that "the prime minister doesn't have the mandate or the legitimacy to continue this process. The prime minister has resigned and he is not eligible to deal with returning the Golan until a new government is set up."


Communication Minister Ariel Atias added, "The prime minister has resigned, maybe (Syrian President Bashar) Assad doesn't know this and we should fill him in. In a country where we can't even appoint judges, we certainly cannot give up the Golan. "


On the other hand, Education Minister Yuli Tamir of the Labor Party said she supported the continued talks. "I believe every opportunity and every way should be taken, certainly on the Syrian channel. It is vital to the State of Israel," she said.


"There is a difference between giving (Syrian President Bashar) Assad a deposit and continuing talks with Syria. I support talks being held in their current formula. An interim government is still a government and its work is not put on hold," Tamir added.


On Sunday Dr. Yoram Turbowicz is expected to get the final authorization to act as the prime minister's envoy in the fifth round of Turkish mediated talks with Syria. Turbowicz's authorization will come after bureaucratic obstacles that initially prevented him from continuing his work.


The Prime Minister's Office believe talks with the Syrians will be renewed within a few weeks.


פרסום ראשון: 11.02.08, 12:03
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