
Porush talks
Photo: AP

Porush blames Orthodox camp for elections loss

Jerusalem mayoral candidate says elections defeat result of split within Orthodox camp

In a first interview following his loss, ultra-Orthodox candidate Meir Porush spoke to Ynet about the reasons for his defeat in Jerusalem's municipal elections.


"There are all sorts of elements within the (ultra-Orthodox) camp and out of it that caused this," he said. "The Orthodox camp was united, but one group within it changed its mind."


Porush did not elaborate, but was apparently referring to Ger Hasidim who decided not to back him. Some of them even voted for secular candidate Nir Barkat.


Porush says he is doing well despite the loss but is tired after not sleeping the whole night.


"We made and effort and worked hard, but at the end of the day Barkat will be the mayor," he said. "Barkat prepared for several years, but he is not the one who prompted the victory. It is no secret that I ran because I wanted this job, but I don't have a sour taste in my mouth."


'I'll consult with the rabbis'

Asked whether he would have changed anything in the election campaign or in his conduct in the days prior to the vote, Porush replied, "I'm willing to listen to advice and recommendations, but I don’t see and don’t think I would change anything in the race. It wouldn’t have helped."


As for the rumors that he plans to quit the Jerusalem city council and continue serving as a Knesset member on behalf of the United Torah Judaism party, he said, "We have a few days to think things over and make a decision on the matter. I'll consult with the rabbis and do what they say."

Porush said he spoke to his rival, Jerusalem mayor-elect Nir Barkat. "I congratulated him, and I hope he maintains fairness and equality."


Does he believe Barkat will maintain the status-quo between the ultra-Orthodox and secular in the capital? "This is something you should ask him," Porush said.


פרסום ראשון: 11.12.08, 17:51
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