
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
Photo: AP

Olmert questioned for 10th time

National Fraud Investigation Unit officers arrive at Prime Minister's Residence for tenth round of questioning in several corruption affairs, including investment center, Cremieux house and political appointments. Questioning cut short due to situation in south

The tenth round of questioning of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert took place at the Prime Minister's Residence in Jerusalem on Friday.


The investigation included probing into Olmert's alleged involvement in the Bank Leumi affair, the Cremieux Street house affair, and shady political appointments.


National Fraud Investigation Unit officers arrived at Olmert's home at around 9 am.


The investigation was cut short upon the prime minister's request following the Qassam fire in the south. Olmert told the police that he wished to be updated on the events, and his interrogators obliged.


Last Friday the prime minister was questioned with regards to two separate affairs involving an investment center and an alleged travel expenses corruption scandal.


The police explained the interrogation was needed to complete their investigation in the cases.


The prime minister's Media Advisor, Amir Dan, said in response, "Instead of admitting that the prime minister was taken out of office based on only a partial picture and that the police's announcement that the investigation was complete was hasty, the police are now trying to blur the facts by using the expression 'complete the investigation'. This is an attempt to throw sand in the public's eyes. What's next? Completion of the completion?"


פרסום ראשון: 11.14.08, 11:13
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