
Desecrated cemeteries (Archive)
Photo: AP

2 Jewish cemeteries desecrated in Germany

Pig's head, anti-Semitic banner left at gate of one cemetery, while in another a memorial plaque was covered in red liquid; police investigating

Police say two Jewish cemeteries in eastern Germany have been desecrated in an anti-Semitic attack.


Police say a pig's head and an anti-Semitic banner were left at the gate of a cemetery in the city of Gotha. They said that several glasses containing a red blood-like liquid were thrown over the cemetery's gate.


In Erfurt, a memorial plaque at the entrance gate to a Jewish cemetery was also covered in a red liquid. Police are analyzing the liquid to determine what it is.


The damage to both cemeteries was discovered Monday morning. Both cities are in the state of Thuringia, whose top security official, Interior Minister Manfred Scherer, says police and prosecutors were working to find the perpetrators.


Another anti-Semitic attack took place in Germany last week when 36-year-old Rabbi Yehuda Teichtel was driving eight of his students in a minivan in Berlin. Local police reported that two unknown persons in a Mercedes passed the van and blocked it from proceeding, crying insults of an anti-Semitic nature.


The driver of the vehicle then threw a molotov cocktail at the van, but luckily it did not explode and rabbi and students remained unharmed.


פרסום ראשון: 11.17.08, 19:40
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