
Disputed Hebron house, Tuesday morning
Photo: Dudu Azoulay

2 rightists arrested in Hebron

Hundreds of right-wing activists flock to Palestinian neighborhoods near disputed West Bank home on Monday night, Tuesday morning. They smash vehicles' windows, damage Muslim cemetery, but claim Palestinians hurled stones at them first

Right-wing activists hurled stones at Palestinians near the disputed house in the West Bank city of Hebron on Tuesday morning. The rightists claimed that the Palestinians stoned them first.


Police officers and Israel Defense Forces soldiers dispatched to the scene arrested two of the activists.


Hundreds of right-wing activists arrived in the Palestinian neighborhoods near the disputed home in the night and morning hours. They smashed the windows of Palestinian vehicles and caused damage in the local Muslim cemetery. The security forces clashed with the rioters.


Right-wing activist Itamar Ben-Gvir told Ynet, "The police brought the Hebron riots on themselves. Instead of calming the area, Border Guard officers enter the crowd, hurl shock and gas grenades, on innocent people as well. No wonder they face resistance in Gaza."


A source in the Jewish settlement added, "The police and army should know that there is a significance and 'price tag' for every evacuation."


Activists of the Machsom Watch women's organization also claimed to have been assaulted by rightists nearby, adding that their vehicle was damaged. A police official said a complaint had yet to be filed.


On Monday night, following rumors that security forces were set to evict the disputed house in Hebron, hundreds of right-wing activists increased protest activities in the area, some of which became violent and resulted in arrests.


Clashes between forces and settlers spread to other areas of the West Bank. Police arrested 11 rightists who were protesting the defense minister's decision while gathered at a checkpost near the West Bank village of Hawara, south of Nablus.


The detained men, two of them minors, were accused of attacking a border guard policemen and were transferred to the custody of Hebron region police.


פרסום ראשון: 12.02.08, 11:19
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