
Brown - To meet with both sides separately
Photo: AP

Britain to hold talks with Israelis, Palestinians

PM Gordon Brown confirms UK to hold separate talks with Israeli, Palestinian leaders later in December 'to establish how best we can use 2009 to make real progress towards political and economic solutions in the region'

Britain will hold separate talks with Israeli and Palestinian leaders in London this month on the political and economic situation in the Middle East, Prime Minister Gordon Brown said on Wednesday.


"We are bringing Israeli and Palestinian leaders to London later in December to establish how best we can use 2009 to make real progress towards political and economic solutions in the region," Brown told parliament. He did not elaborate.


A government source later clarified that Israeli and Palestinian leaders would come to London for talks, but Brown would meet them separately and the two sides will not meet directly.


It was unclear if the two sides would be in London at the same time.


Israel and the Palestinians launched US-sponsored peace talks in Annapolis, Maryland, last year with the hope of reaching a deal by the end of 2008.


The talks have been hobbled by violence and bitter disputes over Jewish settlement building and the future of Jerusalem, and all sides have said the year-end deadline will not be met.


US President-elect Barack Obama takes office on Jan. 20.


Israel's Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni urged European Union parliamentarians on Tuesday to support US-backed peace talks with the Palestinians rather than promote separate initiatives.


"Even if it takes more time, we do not need intervention by the international community with bridging proposals," Livni, who hopes to succeed Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in a February election, said in Brussels.


פרסום ראשון: 12.03.08, 20:07
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