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Civics teacher arrested for growing marijuana

Police find nine marijuana plants in teacher's Jerusalem apartment. Suspect says plants for private use, argues it is common in her native Tel Aviv

A civics teacher suspected of growing marijuana plants in her apartment was arrested on Tuesday.


In her investigation, the teacher, who was arrested in her Jerusalem apartment told police, "I come from Tel Aviv and there it's allowed. I'm a good civics teacher."


Jerusalem police received information about a 32-year-old woman growing drugs in her house. Following the report police detained the suspect for questioning.


An investigation revealed that the woman, living in a rented apartment in Jerusalem, works as a civics teacher in a Tel Aviv school.


Nine plants were found in a search of her apartment containing what was suspected to be marijuana, along with hashish.


Police said the suspect did not deny growing the drugs.


The suspect claimed the plants were intended for private use, and said that in her native Tel Aviv it is common for many residents to grow drugs at home for personal use.


The suspect further claimed that the arrest would harm her students as she had to prepare them for their matriculation exams.


The suspect was brought before the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court on Tuesday for a remand hearing and was released under bail under restricted conditions.


פרסום ראשון: 12.09.08, 18:29
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