
Fischer and Peres
Photo: AFP

Jerusalem: Peres meets Austrian counterpart

Austria's President Heinz Fischer says his country should speak openly about its past and draw conclusions for the present. Both leaders stress importance of continued cooperation between countries

President Shimon Peres met with his Austrian counterpart Heinz Fischer at the presidential residence in Jerusalem on Monday.


During the meeting, Fischer referred to his country's controversial history with regards to the Holocaust and said that Austria should speak openly of these difficult events and draw the relevant conclusions for our time.


President Peres stressed that Austria and Israel should tighten their cooperation, and reminded Fischer of his past as a volunteer on Kibbutz Sarid.


"We welcome you with open arms. Despite the past, Austria and Israel can work hand in hand to improve the situation in the world, pursue peace and strengthen democracy."


Peres added that Israel is indebted to Vienna for the role it played in helping bring Jews from the Soviet Union to Israel in the 1970s.


The two leaders also discussed the issue of kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, and Fischer pledged to bring the subject for discussion during Syrian President Bashar Assad's planned visit to Vienna.


President Fischer told Peres that he had been very supportive of the decision to upgrade the relations between the European Union and Israel. He added that great efforts are currently being made to have the EU take a unified stand on issues such as the Iranian nuclear program, peace in the Middle East and the global financial crisis.


Fischer further stated that he believed a peace between Israel and the Palestinians was possible.


פרסום ראשון: 12.15.08, 13:19
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