
Rally in Na'alin (Archives)
Photo: AFP

Palestinian killed by IDF during Na'alin protest

Medic says 22-year-old Arafat Hawaja sustained fatal bullet wound to the chest during protest in West Bank village against Israel's Gaza offensive

A Palestinian was killed and two others were seriously wounded on Sunday during a rally that took place in the West Bank village of Na'alin in protest of Israel's offensive in Gaza.


During the rally demonstrators threw stones at an IDF force, which responded with crowd-control measures and live fire. The army has launched an investigation into the incident.


According to a Palestinian medic, Arafat Hawaja, 22, was killed after being hit by a bullet in his chest.


Protests in Na'alin generally focus on the IDF's intent to appropriate some 7,500 dunams (about 1,800 acres) of their land toward the construction of the security barrier.


A few months ago an IDF soldier fired rubber-coated bullets at a bound Palestinian detainee during an anti-fence rally in Na'alin. A 14-year old girl from the village filmed the incident from the window of her home.


Efrat Weiss contributed to the report


פרסום ראשון: 12.28.08, 16:50
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