
Abu Marzouk doesn't care about Shalit
Photo: AP
Gilad Shalit: 931 days in captivity
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Hamas says no longer interested in Shalit

Palestinian organization's deputy politburo chief says kidnapped Israeli soldier 'may be injured and he may be healthy. This question is of no interest to us anymore'

Hamas continues to release vague reports on Gilad Shalit's condition: Deputy Hamas politburo chief Mousaa Abu Marzouk says he has no knowledge of the wellbeing of kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.


"He may be injured and he may be healthy. This question is of no interest to us anymore," he said.

In an interview to London-based Arabic-language al-Hayat newspaper, Khaled Mashaal's deputy was asked about recent reports that Shalit had been injured.


"I don’t know. We are not interested in his wellbeing at all, and we are not giving him any special guard since he is as good as a cat or less," Abu Marzouk replied.


Gilad Shalit, who was kidnapped into the Gaza Strip 931 days ago, is not mentioned in United Nations Security Council Resolution 1860 approved Thursday night, which calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.


As for the UN resolution, Abu Marzouk was asked about his movement's refusal to agree to the stationing of international forces in the Gaza Strip.


"Resistance is the first and best force for defending our people," he said. "Those who repeatedly say that the international forces would defend out people are speaking nonsense. We've seen how the UN and Red Cross institutions failed to protect their schools, headquarters and cars, so how will they protect the Palestinian people?"


He went on to clarify that he believes "the Palestinian people can defend themselves, in the best way possible. It's unthinkable that the decision on the resistance will be in the UN's hands."


Khaled Mashaal referred to the ceasefire issue on Saturday, saying that his organization would not accept the presence of any international force and would treat it as an occupying force. He added that Hamas would not accept a continuous lull and would object to any intervention or supervision in terms of the Gaza tunnels.


פרסום ראשון: 01.11.09, 11:28
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