
Reservists outside Gaza
Photo: AP

Gaza: Soldier severely wounded in friendly-fire incident

IDF reservists operating in northern Strip accidentally fire on regular troops they mistook for enemy combatants; soldier severely wounded, three others sustain mild injuries during incident

Another friendly fire incident almost had fatal consequences Monday, after reservists in northern Gaza mistakenly identify a group of regular troops as enemy combatants.


An IDF soldier was severely wounded and three others were lightly injured during the incident.


The severely wounded soldier was airlifted to the Chaim Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer and the other three soldiers were also removed to Israeli hospitals.


The IDF is investigating the circumstances surrounding the incident. Military sources noted, though, that such occurrences can happen when a large number of military forces are gathered in a small area.


Notably, troop presence has increased in recent days, with reservists recently entering the Strip in order to allow regular troops greater freedom to operate deeper in Gaza.


This is the third friendly fire incident to occur during Operation Cast Lead. Last week, three soldiers were killed and 24 more were injured after a tank shell hit the house in which they were deployed.


In another incident an IDF officer was killed, apparently by an errant tank shell fired in an area where Israeli paratroopers are operating in Gaza.


The IDF has sent reserves forces into Gaza as part of the preparations for the third stage of the operation in the Hamas-controlled territory. The extra forces will allow regular troops a wider range of movement in Gaza and a greater opportunity to exert pressure on Hamas forces, but they will apparently not take part in the third stage itself.


פרסום ראשון: 01.12.09, 23:20
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