
Good news for Iran?
Photo: AFP

World powers 'committed to diplomatic solution' on Iran

Joint statement by world powers calls for 'diplomatic solution based on dual track strategy'

World powers on Wednesday said they were committed to a diplomatic solution on the issue of Iran's nuclear program and welcomed US President Barack Obama's offer to talk directly with Tehran.


"(We) emphasize a common commitment to a diplomatic solution based on the dual track strategy," said a German official who quoted from a joint statement from the United States, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany.


He was referring to the longstanding two-track approach of using diplomacy and the threat of sanctions to persuade Tehran to rein in its nuclear program.


The powers urged Iran to comply fully with the United Nations over its nuclear program.


No talk of new sanctions

A European official, who declined to be named, said there was no talk of new sanctions at the meeting and that a new gathering was planned after the United States had completed a review of its Iran policy.

The next meeting could take place in London in the second half of next month, the official said.


The UN Security Council has imposed three rounds of sanctions against Iran for refusing to suspend its enrichment of uranium. Western powers suspect the work is aimed at building an atomic bomb but Tehran says it is for peaceful purposes of power generation.


Obama's predecessor, George W. Bush, opposed direct talks with Iran to resolve the standoff.

Washington is reviewing its policy towards Iran and the Obama administration is considering a range of options to get Iran to change its behavior.


פרסום ראשון: 02.04.09, 17:05
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