
Abu Marzouk
Photo: AP
Photo: Noam Rotem
Gilad Shalit
Photo: Noam Rotem

Report: Hamas to deliver letter from Shalit to Syria

Kuwaiti paper reports Hamas' deputy political chief Abu Marzouk receives letter written by Israeli captive during Gaza visit; intends to hand letter over to Syrian Foreign Ministry

Moussa Abu Marzouk, the deputy chairman of Hamas' political bureau, met last week with Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit's captors, who gave him a letter written by Shalit, the Kuwaiti-based al-Jarida newspaper reported Tuesday.


The paper quoted Palestinian sources as saying that during his short visit in Gaza, Abu Marzouk met with some of the leaders of Hamas' military wing in the Strip, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, and with Shalit's captors, including military wing head Ahmad Jabari.


According the sources, Marzouk plans to deliver the letter to the Syrian Foreign Ministry.


Abu Marzouk entered Gaza Thursday night for the first time since he left the Strip 30 years ago, the London-based Arabic newspaper al-Quds al-Arabi reported.


According to Palestinian sources, Abu Marzouk would not have been allowed entry to Gaza without Israel's authorization.


Last September, an official French source said that President Nicolas Sarkozy gave a letter to his Syrian counterpart intended for the Israeli captive and written by the soldier's father, Noam.


Three months before, Gilad's parents received a letter from him in which he urged them to do everything for his release.


פרסום ראשון: 03.03.09, 09:50
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