
Noam and Aviva Shalit watch PM's speech
Photo: Orly Zeiler

Shalit's friends 'disappointed' by Olmert's speech

Members of public campaign for Hamas-held soldier's release disillusioned by prime minister's official statement on failure of talks to retrieve him. Family said to decide on fate of protest outside premier's home Wednesday

At the end of a nerve-wracking day and after Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's televised address to the nation, explaining the failure of the negotiations meant to secure the release of kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, his family – camped outside Olmert Jerusalem home – shut itself inside the protest tent.


The Shalit's media advisors barred the media from the area, asking reporters to respect their wish for privacy at this time. Family members and those active in the public campaign for the captive soldier's release, were quoted as saying that Olmert's address was "disappointing," and that Israel's attempt to pressure Hamas at this stage was "a late awakening."


The family, along with members of the public campaign, is said to decide whether to continue camping outside the premier's residence on Wednesday.


Noam Shalit, who met with Olmert prior to the latter's speech, called on the prime minister and his emissaries to "stop making statements and start applying themselves in the days they have left (in office), in order to get Gilad back and finish this affair."


Shalit added that "the government must exert more pressure and exhaust all means possible to force Hamas to strike this deal."


Many continued to flock to the Shalit's protest tent in Jerusalem Tuesday evening, to show their support for the family. Given the unfortunate circumstances, some were heard saying they may not be there tomorrow.


Ronen Medzini contributed to this report


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