
Police in for surprise (Illustration)
Photo: Diego Mittelberg

Speeding grandpa stuns police

Rushing home? 83-year-old man nabbed after traveling at more than double the speed limit

Police officers surprised: Traffic police in Israel are used to nabbbing young drivers traveling at high speed, yet on Saturday officers on Highway 65 were in for a surprise – A motorist nabbed traveling at 191 kilometers an hour (roughly 120 miles an hour) turned out to be an 83-year-old man.


The elderly speed junky told police he was in a rush to get home.


The man, who was traveling in a Subaru at more than double the speed limit, does not have a long history of traffic violations, the police said. However, officials noted that he has been convicted of traveling above the spend limit several times.


The speeding driver's license was revoked on the spot, and he will face justice at the local traffic court.


Only two and a half weeks ago, a 21-year-old Palestinian from Ramallah was nabbed while traveling at 215 kilometers an hour on Highway 1, en route to the Dead Sea. The speed limit on the highway is 90 kilometers an hour.


פרסום ראשון: 03.28.09, 18:14
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