
Metal platform taken from truck
Photo: Eilat Customs

Authorities uncover arms in Jordan shipment

Customs officials at Arava crossing stop Jordanian truck carrying rifles, ammunition

Good job: Customs officials at the Arava border crossing uncovered arms hidden in a truck believed to be en route to the Palestinian Authority.


The officials became suspicious of the supply truck, which arrived at the crossing three weeks ago, and held it at the border for further scrutiny.  

Weapons found on truck (Photo courtesy of Eilat Customs)


A preliminary examination revealed no infractions, but officials remained wary and insisted on removing metal platforms which the truck driver claimed were intended for work. 


On Wednesday, firemen from Eilat arrived at the crossing and sawed open a platform, revealing a gun wrapped in a towel.


Following the discovery, all of the platforms were opened, exposing six M16 rifles, 20 FM handguns, 20 Glock handguns, 19 OZ handguns, 23 magazines stocked with bullets, and a number of electric shockers.


A week ago customs officials at the same crossing prevented felons from smuggling 5 kg of narcotics.


פרסום ראשון: 04.01.09, 23:49
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