
Clashes near Bat Ayin (Archives)
Photo: Reuters

Military Prosecution says soldiers' gunfire near Bat Ayin 'unwarranted'

Two soldiers arrested for opening fire during Saturday's clashes between settlers, Palestinians; prosecution says conduct unwarranted, soldiers claim their lives were in danger

The two IDF soldiers who were arrested Saturday night for opening fire during clashes between settlers and Palestinians near the West Bank settlement of Bat Ayin justified their conduct by saying that their lives were in danger.


However, sources in the Military Prosecution said that although the investigation is still at its initial stages, it appears that the soldiers conduct was unwarranted and fueled the violence.


It remains unclear whether the soldiers were responsible for the injury of two Palestinians during the clashes. On Monday the prosecution is expected to ask the military court in Jaffa to remand the soldiers to custody.


According to the soldiers' accounts, they were hiking in the area when the clashes broke out; at least one of them was carrying an assault rifle. They said that at some point, after they were joined by a group of children, Palestinians began throwing stones in their direction. The soldiers said they felt their lives were at risk and therefore fired several dozen bullets into the air.


According to sources in the Military Prosecution, the soldiers are suspected of illegal use of arms but may eventually be charged with more serious offenses.



פרסום ראשון: 05.03.09, 20:17
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