
Bnei Adam outpost
Photo courtesy of Peace Now

Peace Now: Settlers 'upgraded' 2 outposts

Left-wing group claims settlers erected new cabins in two West Bank outposts while government 'dragging its feet.' Settlers rebuff allegations as 'unworthy of comment'

Peace Now alleged Tuesday that over the past few months West Bank settlers have "expanded two existing outposts, and that the government has done nothing to stop them.


The group claims that one of the moves made was adding three caravans to the Nahlat Yosef outpost, located about 1.5 miles from the West Bank settlement of Elon Moreh, northeast of Nablus; and five caravans to Bnei Adam outpost in Benyamin. The structures are said to be empty.


"The government is dragging its feet and does nothing to evacuate the new buildings. The settlers have long since recognized this weakness and are becoming more and more brazen when it comes to illegal construction, "Peace Now Secretary-General Yariv Oppenheimer said.


"We have to hold on to State lands and building outposts is a staple measure for that," said Benny Katzover, head of the Samaria Settlers' Committee.


"These snitches' allegations are unworthy of comment," he added. "These are not new outposts – they've been around for months."


Gershon Masika, mayor of the Samaria Regional Council, added that the area in question was agricultural land: "These are farmland, which have been worked for nearly two years… it has a container and a shed meant to store framing equipment.


"The majority of the area was purchased by the Foundation for the Redemption of Land, so these are not State lands. We should be congratulating these pioneers, who work the Land of Israel and keep it from being taken over by Arabs," he said.


פרסום ראשון: 05.19.09, 15:00
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