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Poll: Would you date a smoker?

Survey conducted ahead of World No Tobacco Day finds over half of Israelis would not date a smoker, but more would be willing to go out with a smoker bent on quitting

Most Israelis would not go out on a date with a person who smokes, nor have a long-term relationship with one, a new poll revealed.


Some 73% of the respondents said they do not smoke cigarettes at all; 17% said they smoke regularly and 9% stated they only smoke occasionally.


Asked whether they would be willing to go on a date or have a relationship with a smoker, 53% replied negatively.


However, of the non-married respondents 62% said they would be willing to date a smoker. And, if a smoker was interested in quitting, 82% of single respondents said they would give him or her a chance.


The survey was conducted last week among 500 respondents by the Market Watch Research Institute for the GlaxoSmithKline pharmaceutical company.


May 31: World no-smoking day

Smoking remains the number one cause of preventable deaths in the world. One out of every five deaths in the United States is caused by smoking. On May 31 World No Tobacco Day will be marked worldwide.


This day has been observed by all member states of the World Health Organization sine 1987 and its purpose is to raise global awareness to the widespread prevalence of tobacco use and to its negative health effects.


Many smokers choose this day as a meaningful date to quit smoking.


פרסום ראשון: 05.27.09, 09:11
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