
Riots in Hebron (Archives)
Photo: AFP

50 Hebron families to be compensated for settler damage

Palestinians families who suffered property damage during riots that followed 2008 evacuation of 'disputed house' to receive total of $63,000 restitution payments

The Defense Ministry green lighted restitution payments for 50 Palestinians families who suffered property damage during the forceful evacuation of the "disputed house" in the West Bank city of Hebron in December of 2008, Ynet learned on Sunday.


In response to the evacuation, settlers torched Palestinian vehicles and a number of homes, this as part of their policy to "exact a price" for every evacuation carried out by the state.


At the recommendation of Brigadier General Yoav Mordechai, the head of the Civil Administration, Defense Minister Ehud Barak ordered the establishment of a special committee to evaluate the claims for compensation.


Appraisers on behalf of the Defense Ministry assessed the damage caused to the Palestinian homes, and over the weekend the Ministry approved a total of NIS 250,000 (roughly $63,000) in compensation to 50 Palestinian plaintiffs.


פרסום ראשון: 06.07.09, 10:26
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