
'Huge following.' Jabotinsky
Photo: GPO
President Peres
Photo: Brian Hendler

Peres: Jabotinsky's dream was 'too big'

During ceremony marking 69th anniversary of Revisionist Zionist leader's death, president says 'maybe great leaders are destined to make great mistakes'

Zeev Jabotinsky's dream of establishing a Jewish state along both banks of the Jordan River was "too big," President Shimon Peres said on Tuesday.


Speaking at a ceremony in Jerusalem's Mount Herzl cemetery marking the 69th anniversary of the Revisionist Zionist leader's death, the president said "his dream was too big for him, and most certainly too big for us. Maybe great leaders are destined to make great mistakes. This is why Jabotinsky should not be underestimated. He was correct on two key issues: The need for unity in the State of Israel and the treatment of the weak."


As for the Herut Movement, which later became the Likud party, Peres said "Jabotinsky established a movement that had a huge following; Zionism would not be possible without this enthusiasm, which naturally drew ardent opposition as well; but even his adversaries never doubted his motives.


"Jabotinsky himself also had his reservations regarding this fervor, and called for people to act with 'dignity'," the president said.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin were also on hand for the ceremony. 


פרסום ראשון: 07.21.09, 20:14
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