
Protecting against swine flu in hospitals (archives)
Photo: AP

Death suspected to be caused by swine flu

Ministry of Health probing death of 34-year-old man over weekend with suspicion that he may have been caused by H1NI virus. Flu ruled out in case of two-year-old toddler, who also died on weekend

The Health Ministry is investigating whether swine flu caused the death of a 34-year-old man who died Saturday night. Swine flu was also suspected in the death of a two-year-old toddler, who also died over the weekend, but lab results have ruled the H1N1 virus out as a cause of his death. Both of the patients belonged to high-risk categories for swine flu complications.


The man, who was hospitalized on Friday at Eilat's Yoseftal Hospital, was reportedly a heavy smoker who suffered from complications arising from pneumonia.


The ministry also looked into the circumstances of the death of a two-year-old toddler who died over the weekend at Schneider Children's Medical Center in Petach Tikva. Lab results showed, however, that the child's death was unrelated to swine flu.


Yoseftal Hospital reported that the 34-year old was admitted to the hospital after complaining of feeling ill. Despite efforts to stabilize his condition, the man died on Saturday evening.


The man's family agreed to the hospital's request to perform an autopsy in order to clarify the cause of death and has also submit a complaint with the police for medical malpractice.


The Schneider Children's Medical Center reported that the toddler was treated with medication against the flu.


If the man did indeed die from swine flu, he would be the first fatal case of the virus in Israel. Until now, 1,100 cases of swine flu have been diagnosed in the country. Just last week, the Health Ministry announced that it is no longer necessary to carry out specialized lab tests or to issue unique medical treatment for swine flu because it is, in their words, "any other flu."


According to Ministry guidelines, only patients in high-risk groups - such as pregnant women, patients with chronic respiratory diseases, patients with suppressed immune systems, or patients with heart conditions – need to seek medical attention if they contract swine flu.


Until now, six patients with swine flu-related complications have been hospitalized. One of them, a 25-year-old pregnant woman, remains hospitalized in serious condition at Assaf Harofeh Medical Center.


There have been fatalities in the past that have aroused suspicion that swine flu is to blame, but the option of swine flu as a cause of death was ruled out in each of them.


Ahuva Mamos contributed to this report


פרסום ראשון: 07.26.09, 21:29
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