
Netanyahu. 'Gaza has turned into a terror base'
Photo: Alex Kolomoisky
Photo: AFP
Gush Katif evacuation (archives)
Photo: AFP

PM vows to rehabilitate Gaza evacuees

As government marks fourth anniversary of disengagement, Netanyahu presents cabinet ministers with five-point plan for dealing with Gush Katif evictees, terror and negotiations with Palestinians

The government on Sunday marked the fourth anniversary of the Israeli pullout from the Gaza Strip. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented his ministers with a five-point plan, which he said would serve as the basis for dealing with the residents evacuated from Gush Katif, terror activities from the Gaza Strip and the peace negotiations with the Palestinians.


"Today we mark the fourth anniversary of the disengagement, in which we uprooted 10,000 men, women and children from their homes," Netanyahu said. "Unfortunately, Gaza has turned into a terror base sponsored by Hamas and Iran. To this day, thousands of missiles and rockets have been fired at us.


"I would like to stress five points which the government will act in accordance with. We are committed to fully rehabilitate our brothers and sisters the evacuees, in order to allow them to rebuild the ruins of their lives. The government will discuss this issue in detail next week."


The prime minister added that "Israel will not accept the firing of any missiles and rockets, neither in a rain of missiles, nor in a drizzle of missiles or single missiles. Any rocket fired will be answered firmly."


He went on to say that peace would return to being based on mutuality rather than on one-sidedness.


"As part of the peace agreements, Israel expects the Palestinians to recognize the State of Israel as the Jewish people's nation state. The refugee problem will be solved not within the boundaries of the State of Israel, and a demilitarized Palestinian state will be established with international guarantee.


"These are not preconditions for launching negotiations, but these are the basic conditions for establishing durable and stable peace between us and the Palestinians in the future."


'We support Obama's initiative'

Another point presented by Netanyahu was that "Israel is willing to launch peace negotiations with the Palestinian Authority, with Syria and with any other Arab country, and all those who set preconditions for negotiations are delaying the peace process.


"We support full heartedly US President Obama's regional initiative. As part of this, the Arab countries – mostly central Arab states – must make trust-building steps towards Israel."


The prime minister added that parallel to the peace process, Israel will continue advancing economic peace with the Palestinian Authority and removing blocks on movement, business and tourism.


"Those who live with us in peace will prosper. These things can already be seen in the few months which have passed since we took office," he said.


פרסום ראשון: 08.02.09, 11:58
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