
Wearing protective masks against H1N1 (Archive photo)
Photo: AFP

Suspected 3rd death from swine flu

Twelve-year-old girl from Petach Tikva recently saw improvement in her condition, but was brought to Schneider Children's hospital in serious condition on Monday. Health Ministry reports uncertainty as to cause of death, but says swine flu cannot yet be ruled out

A 12-year-old girl who contracted swine flu was hospitalized and released after her condition stabilized. However, she was brought to Schneider Children's Hospital in Petach Tikva on Monday, where she died on Wednesday.


The girl suffered from other illnesses as well.


The Health Ministry reported that the girl's cause of death is not known for certain, but that swine flu complications cannot yet be ruled out.


The girl was brought to Schneider Hospital after she collapsed and lost consciousness at home. The Magen David Adom ambulance crew that was dispatched to take her to the hospital was instructed to wear protective masks because the girl had swine flu.


The medical staff received the girl not breathing and without a pulse. The hospital reported that the girl was released from the hospital four days ago after appearing to be recovered from swine flu.


Following her second hospitalization, the hospital reported, "The girl, who suffers from a severe, complex genetic disease, was hospitalized ten days ago in the pediatric ward and was diagnosed with the H1N1 virus and pneumonia. The girl was treated with Tamiflu and antibiotics. A week later, following an improvement in her condition, she was released to her house with recommendations for continued treatment."


The hospital also reported, "Unexpectedly, and despite the girl showed no signs of distress and functioned normally during the morning, she stopped breathing and went into cardiac arrest at her home. She underwent resuscitation by the Magen David Adom team and was later transferred on a respirator to Schneider's intensive care unit in critical condition."


פרסום ראשון: 08.06.09, 00:28
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