
Protesting outside Barak's home
Photo: Ofer Amram
"Barak buying soldier alive'
Photo: Ofer Amram

Protestors to chief of staff: Shalit or resign

Dozens of protestors for the release of kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit demonstrate in front of chief of staff's home as well as defense minister's home. Barak's wife, Nili Priel, says to protestors, 'I am on your side, but other than showing empathy, I have nothing to say.' Priel tells Ynet she speaks with her husband about Gilad before every cabinet meeting

Dozens of protestors from the headquarters for the release of Gilad Shalit protested in front of Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi's house in Kfar Saba and in front of Defense Minister Ehud Barak's apartment complex in Tel Aviv on Friday.


"We came to remind the chief of staff that Gilad Shalit is his soldier, and we believe that he isn't doing enough to release him," said Tzipi Neuman from the headquarter of mothers for the release of Gilad Shalit. "If he doesn't intend to do something about it, he will probably have to consider resigning."


Some 30 demonstrators stood outside the chief of staff's house. Neuman mentioned, "Gilad's birthday is at the end of the month. If he is released, this will be the nicest present he and his family could receive."


Simultaneously, a demonstration was held in from Defense Minister Ehud Barak's house. Barak's wife, Nili Priel, came downstairs to greet the protestors. "I am on your side. I came down to identify with your cause. Unfortunately, I don't have any news. Outside of showing my empathy, I have nothing to say. My heart is with the family, and they know this," she said.


Ynet asked Priel whether she speaks to her husband about the subject. She answered in the affirmative and said that she even speaks to him about Gilad Shalit before and after every cabinet meeting.


One of the demonstrators called out to her telling her not to let her 10-year-old son enlist for combat duty because of how Gilad's case has been handled. The protestors told her, "We want to say thank you to you for coming to speak with us. Tell Ehud to free Gilad, to sit with Netanyahu to decided together to free him."


One of the protestors lashed out: "There is a sense that no one wants to release him. This stalling also happened with Ron Arad. We will step up our demonstrations. Tell him (Barak) that we will not stop until Gilad is at home."


Barak's office reported that the minister is engaged in security talks outside of the home and that he and his wife had spoken with the protestors in the past.


Amnon Meranda contributed to this report


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