
Hasidim in Uman (Archive)
Photo: Yisrael Bardugo

Report: Building housing Hasidim torched in Ukraine

Ukrainian TV reports unidentified perpetrators set house used by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov Hasidim on fire in city of Uman. Local Jewish shops also said to have been vandalized

Ukrainian television reported Friday that a building housing Rebbe Nachman of Breslov Hasidim in the city of Uman has been set on fire.


According to the report, unidentified perpetrators threw Molotov cocktails at the house, set it on fire and then fled the scene. No one was injured in the incident.


Eyewitnesses said that three people arrived at the building in the early morning hours and started vandalizing the place, which is located near the local synagogue and Rebbe Nachman's grave.


The synagogue's security guards extinguished the fire with the help of firefighters.


The Ukrainian police have launched an investigation into the incident, but no arrest gave been made so far.


It appears that the culprits have also attacked Jewish-owned businesses in the area. According to the report, a kosher food shop and a store that specializes in religious literature have been damaged.


Yael Branovsky contributed to the report


פרסום ראשון: 08.07.09, 23:10
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