
Staff Sergeant Or Hadad. Killed while sitting in nearby tent
Reproduction: Avi Muallem

Soldier who misfired suspected of negligence

Military Prosecution says soldier who accidentally killed Staff Sergeant Or Hadad last week activated his rifle in a way which risked human life

A Golani fighter whose misfire led to the accidental killing of Staff Sergeant Or Hadad last week, is suspected of causing death out of negligence.


The Military Prosecution asked the Northern Command's Military Court on Sunday to extent the soldier's remand until Thursday. The soldier was arrested on Saturday.


The prosecution's claim that the soldier is suspected of committing the serious affair implies that it had evidence showing that he had activated his rifle in a way risking human life.


The court discussion also revealed that Staff Sergeant Hadad was sitting in a tent at a distance of 20 meters (66 feet) from the suspect, meaning that the soldier should have taken extra caution when touching his weapon.


The soldier himself cooperated fully with his investigators, and told them all about Thursday's incident at the Golan Heights base. The investigation revealed that he was shocked and saddened by the incident's outcome.


His defense counsel, Attorney Aharon Shlein, said that the suspect was a good soldier who had no previous disciplinary offenses. The lawyer said he believed the incident did not involve negligence on the part of his client, but was rather the result of dealing with his rifle incorrectly.


"From what I understood at this stage, it's hard to say that the soldier was playing with his gun as it seems, and therefore it's premature to accuse him of such a serious offense.


"Things will become clear over time, and in any even he deeply regrets what happened and knows he will be carrying this wound all his life," the lawyer said.


פרסום ראשון: 08.09.09, 16:27
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