
Photo: Hagai Dekel
Getting to know the other
Photo: Hagai Dekel

Negev 'summer school' brings cultures closer

Special project in Bedouin village of Darijat offers Jewish participants to learn Arabic, stay with local families and become acquainted with their tradition and way of life

An original "summer school" that invites Jews to learn Arabic and stay with local families has been held in the last three years in the Negev Bedouin village of Darijat.


The initiative is based on the assumption that by learning the language, becoming acquainted with the life and cultural customs of the other and through direct dialogue with the villagers, a close bond and understanding can be formed between the Jewish participants and their hosts.


Each day at 9 am the students meet for several hours of Arabic studies. In the afternoon they return to their hosts' houses, where they eat their meals and spend time with the families.

On some of the days short tours of the area, lectures and gathering are held.


Abu Khamed and the students (Photo: Hagai Dekel)


The project is the brainchild of Tomer Kahana, head of the Desert Sights Company, and Ishak Abu Khamed, school principal and village chairman of Darijat, an agricultural Bedouin village.


Empowering Bedouin women

The program was developed in accordance with the special character of the village and its inhabitants, who are famous for their Bedouin hospitality. In the future the founders hope to build a permanent Arabic learning center in the village.


The course teaches the Jewish students spoken Arabic, starting from the basics and moving to more advanced dialogues. Students also learn the Arabic alphabet in order to be able to read street signs, newspaper headlines and so on.


"The 'summer school' provides another source of income for the villagers, especially the women who by hosting are able to contribute to the household's income," said Abu Khamed. "This builds their self confidence and helps develop their independence."


According to Abu Khamed, "The acquaintance allows for the two cultures to connect. The host families are very pleased with the meetings and feel willingness on the guests' side to become closer and form a dialogue."


פרסום ראשון: 08.10.09, 12:30
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