
Murder scene (archives)
Photo: Avi Moalem
Herzog: Families destroyed
Photo: Dudi Vaaknin

New plan to compensate families of murder victims

Welfare minister tells Ynet government plan will focus on civilians exposed to violent death of family member

Welfare and Social Services Minister Isaac Herzog says he is working on a plan to assist families of murder victims in Israel. Ynet has learned that the plan, if adopted by the State, will compensate them with NIS 10,000 (over $2,000) and provide them with legal counsel.


Families that have fallen victim to crime are currently eligible for compensation of up to NIS 228,000 ($60,000). However the sum is exacted from criminals, most of whom do not have the resources to pay it.


Last year a committee was formed in order to recommend assistance the state should give to victims of sexual and physical violence. The committee focused on the needs of victims, solutions already provided, and solutions required.


The committee's report recommends short and long-term psychological assistance, legal aid, and immediate financial aid be given to victims and their families. It also says a social worker should help families understand their rights, and advocates the establishment of a community center to provide the aid recommended.


Help for victims of violent crime and their families is currently limited in Israel, and is mostly founded on volunteer organizations, though research clearly indicates that family members are often seriously traumatized by the violent death of another member of the family.


Herzog says his plan will focus mainly on families that suffered a violent death resulting from crime.


"I believe this aid shows a minimum of social solidarity in a country swept by a wave of violence," the minister told Ynet. "We've found many families totally destroyed by murder, and many times these are families without income."


He added, "This is an intolerable situation. These are families worthy of proper solutions in accordance with the difficult circumstances in which they find themselves."


Vered Luvitch contributed to this report


פרסום ראשון: 08.24.09, 11:54
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