
Photo: courtesy of the IAF
The landing
Photo: courtesy of the IAF

F-161 safely lands without engine

(Video) Rare malfunction stalls fighter jet's engine in mid flight, forcing it to perform emergency landing. Pilot able to avert potential disaster, land jet safely at Ramon Air Base

VIDEO - The Israeli Air Force was able to video a rarity Thursday, as an F-161 fighter jet made an emergency landing with no engine power.


The Air Force called for a full technical inspection of all F-161 jets, before clearing them for operational activity.


Video courtesy of IDF Spokesperson's Office   (באדיבות דובר צה"ל)


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An IAF inquiry into the 23-minute ordeal has also been launched.


The initial investigation revealed that shortly after taking off for a training flight, the pilot and navigator discovered a rare technical malfunction which stalled the jet's single engine.


The crew radioed the nearby Ramon Air Base, as well as its squadron, and after a brief consultation with the two the pilot was instructed to shut the engine down – an unusual and dangerous maneuver – and attempt a landing.


The Ramon Air Base immediately initiated emergency landing procedures, dispatching special teams to the designated runway.


Meanwhile, the jet's resourceful team was able to maneuver the jet into a safe glide landing, averting a potential disaster.


פרסום ראשון: 09.03.09, 18:41
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