
Ahmadinejad delivers UN speech
Photo: AFP

Essex House also says no to Ahmadinejad

Hotel joins other New York establishments in refusing to host event organized by Iranian delegation to General Assembly

The Essex House Hotel in New York on Thursday canceled an event scheduled to host Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Iranian delegation to the United Nations' General Assembly.


A few days ago the New York Helmsley Hotel cancelled the Iranian delegation's reservation for Friday after being approached by United Against a Nuclear Iran (UANI), an American organization working to raise support among the public against companies and bodies doing business with Iran.


UANI President Mark Wallace praised Essex House for joining what he said were measures by Gotham Hall, the Helmsley Hotel, General Electric (GE) and the international community aimed at isolating Iran.


Essex House, which is owned by a company based in Dubai, reached the decision after receiving a harsh letter from Wallace.


GE signed UANI's Iran Business Declaration, affirming that it does not and will not conduct business in Iran or other countries designated as state sponsors of terrorism.


It remains unclear where the event in honor of Ahmadinejad will take place or who will accept the Iranians' invitation to attend.


Thursday saw several demonstrations were held throughout the US, as well as in France, Argentina and South Africa against the Iranian regime's nuclear ambitions and the oppression of the civil unrest that erupted on the heels of Ahmadinejad's disputed re-election in June. 


פרסום ראשון: 09.24.09, 23:29
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