
Landver. Adhering to guidelines
Photo: Gil Yohanan
Sa'ar. Intends to fight
Photo: Yaron Brener
Oron: 'Easy way out'
Photo: Ofer Amram

Ministers prepare to battle budget cuts

Government faces widespread budget cuts, prompting harsh objections. While some ministries intend to battle it out, current estimate in political system is that cuts will be approved

The prime minister and the finance minister on Thursday will seek the approval of a 2% cut in the budgets of most ministries for the years 2009-2010 causing immediate protest among government ministers. Each minister is already asking to limit to a minimum the budget cut in his office, if at all.


Political sources told Ynet before details of the cuts were announced that battles are expected following the bid.


The budget cut is aimed at covering unexpected expenses totaling NIS 2 billion (about $532 million) in order to prevent exceeding the bi-annual budget due to needs to finance the swine flu vaccination, which costs NIS 500 million ($133 million), and exceptional security expenses in the intelligence and home front preparedness fields due to threats facing Israel.


Senior sources in the Likud estimated that should the Education Ministry suffer a major cut, Education Minister Gideon Sa'ar will fight the decision. The Education Ministry is the prime candidate to suffer the most cuts according to budget division.


Elements in the Immigrant Absorption Ministry expressed resentment over the decision claiming the ministry supports the welfare of thousands of hundreds of immigrants every year and is already under-budgeted. "Especially in a year of financial crisis absorbing immigration strengthens the economy, earning the State billions of shekels annually and stabilizes defense," a ministry statement read.


A source from the office of Immigrant Absorption Minister Sofa Landver of Yisrael Beitenu stated,"The government must adhere to guidelines established by the prime minister in the beginning of the government's term which declared paramount priority to encouraging aliya and reinstating returning citizens. The government must decide to withdraw the cut intended for the Absorption Ministry."


On the other hand, it appears that coalition member parties will not oppose those budget cuts that are intended to cover unexpected costs amounting to NIS 2 billion in the coming year.


Cuts expected to be approved

The decision was made without the awareness of the ministers and the prime minister is expected to discuss the widespread cuts with the faction leaders. A Likud official said, "Straight after the budget Netanyahu spoke of the future need for a widespread cut." Sources in the Likud estimate the cut will be approved.


Labor party sources also expect the budget cuts to be approved without any particular objections.


The sources told ynet that at this time some things should be smoothed over quietly. Current estimate in the political system is that Shas and Yisrael Beitenu will not foil the approval of the cuts.


Members of the opposition were quick to slam the decision. Chaim Oron, chairman of New Movement - Meretz said, "Several months after the finance minister boasted the great achievement of a bi-annual budget the great and inept government chooses to settle priorities in the easiest and worse way of widespread cuts. The bluff of not boosting the defense budget is thus quickly exposed. "


Yael Branovsky, Attila Somfalvi and Amnon Meranda contributed to this report



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