
Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan
Photo: AFP

Former consul: Turkish fear of not joining EU cause of policy change

In meeting with British representatives, former consul-general to Ankara says increasing Islamification of military, strengthening of ties with Syria, and concerns of dwindling chances of joining EU behind Turkey's recent change in attitude

Former Israeli Consul-General to Ankara, Moti Amihai offered his analysis of Turkey's recent conduct in a strategy meeting held between Israel and Britain in the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem on Wednesday.


Amihai said Turkey's recent change in policy is due to concerns that the country's chances of joining the European Union are dwindling.


Recent days have seen a serious escalation in Jerusalem-Ankara ties, after Turkey called off a NATO military drill which Israel was meant to participate in.


The latest incident was when Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman summoned acting Turkish ambassador to Israel to a meeting with high-ranking Foreign Ministry officials in protest against a Turkish TV show depicting the IDF as a murderous, bloodthirsty army.


Amihai told the British representatives on Wednesday that the Turks are concerned by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy's objection to their joining the European Union.


Another explanation presented in the meeting for Turkey's firm line is the fact that even the Turkish military, which up until now has served as a balancing body, is seeing more and more senior positions filled by religious Muslims.


The growing trend of Islamification and deepening ties with Syria, Amihai said, are the result of the  Erdogan government's feeling that the Turks cannot serve as mediators between Israel, the Palestinians and the Syrians.


"The international community has enough tools to pressure Turkey to change this trend," a Jerusalem source said. "They must be used to prevent further escalation."


פרסום ראשון: 10.15.09, 09:29
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