
Photo: AP
Photo: AP

Hamas opens police college in Gaza

Hamas official: College opened in Strip because of Arab states' refusal to accept Gaza students

The Hamas movement announced Saturday the opening of a new police college in the Gaza Strip.


The new school is expected to take in 188 students who are currently members of existing security organizations as well as new students. Hamas' Foreign Minister Fathi Hamed said the decision to open the college was taken "because of Arab states' refusal to accept students from the Strip."


"Just like we embarked on the Jihad project, our election victory, and the struggle against the siege, we believe that with God's help we'll be able to succeed with this college too," he said.


The establishment of the new college attests to the difficulties involved in bringing about genuine reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah. Palestinian sources from both groups told Ynet that signing a reconciliation agreement is one thing, but implementing it on the ground is quite another matter.


"Our basic assumption is that the West Bank will continue to be under the exclusive control of the Palestinian Authority, while the Strip will remain under the exclusive control of Hamas," one source said.


פרסום ראשון: 10.17.09, 22:28
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