
Photo: AFP
Prince Hassan bin Talaal
Photo: AFP
Rabin, Clinton and Hussein at peace treaty ceremony (archives)
Photo: AP

Jordanian prince sees 'no real effort to solve conflict'

As Israeli-Jordanian peace agreement marks 15th anniversary, Prince Hassan bin Talaal regrets lack of regional cooperation, expresses hope that 'culture of partnership' will form

Jordan's Prince Hassan bin Talaal, who was heir to the throne at the time King Hussein signed the 1994  peace agreement with Israel, says that he sees "no real effort to solve regional conflicts."


In a letter obtained by Ynet on Monday, ahead of its presentation in a ceremony marking the treaty's 15th anniversary, the prince reiterated the treaty's sentiment calling for regional cooperation on defense and security.


"I hope we soon see the day when we can discuss the broader issue – the fact that no real effort is being made by the region to solve and prevent the (Israeli-Palestinian) conflict."


The letter will be presented at ceremony held in Jerusalem by the Hebrew University's Truman Institute for the Advancement of Peace.


The prince, who was unable to attend the ceremony personally due to prior engagements, wrote: "I would like to think that striking peace is up to people. It is the people that have to prevail. Friendships have to be formed and what I call a 'culture of partnership' has to be formed."


Israel and Jordan's relationship has known tumultuous times in the 15 years since the peace treaty was signed. The most recent tensions between Jerusalem and Amman were caused by the latest wave of riots in Temple Mount.


Jordan urged Israel to stop both security forces and far-right elements from entering the compound, further warning that such "provocations" threatened the Middle East peace process.


פרסום ראשון: 10.26.09, 10:34
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