
Herzog, to seriously consider?
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Labor 'rebels' want Herzog to join

Ynet learns of secret meeting between Welfare and Social Services Minister Isaac Herzog and Labor Party rebels who offer him to join group, lead new party, in hopes of getting others to join

Ynet learned on Monday that secret talks took place between the Labor Party 'rebels', who oppose Chairman Ehud Barak's leadership, and Welfare and Social Services Minister Isaac Herzog, in which Herzog was asked to join and lead the group of MKs.


In the talks, Herzog was told that if he joins the group, he could sit at the head of a new party, at least temporarily, until a set of guidelines is drafted to regulate the internal conduct of the new party.


The secret talks were meant to pressure the minister and get him to seriously consider retiring from the government and joining the new political body that MKs Ophir Pines, Eitan Cabel, Yuli Tamir and Amir Peretz, also known as the 'group of four' have been working to form for some time now.


According to information obtained by Ynet, Herzog did not completely reject the offer. Bodies close to the minister confirmed that secret talks were held with sources from the group, but said, "He was presented with concepts that are not completely clear for the time being, the issue is complex."


Recent polls show that Herzog is quite popular in the eyes of the Israeli public. The 'group of four' are also aware of his political power within the party and are therefore interested in having him join the new group with the assumption that other activists and members will follow him.


Herzog has recently expressed much frustration over the dispute between himself and the defense minister that has developed in recent months. The minister went so far as to stress that he plans to run for Labor Party chairman in the next elections, but he pointed out that he is also waiting to see if there are any developments in the diplomatic arena.


A source from the group of four said, "Herzog should carefully consider his steps and make a decision in the coming months. If (Labor MK) Daniel Ben Simon officially decides to join the group – (Herzog's) significance to the division process will diminish.


"Right now he can get everything he asks for in the new party, including leading it."


The group plans to continue holding talks with Herzog, in hopes of convincing him to join them and work towards the establishment of a new movement.


פרסום ראשון: 11.09.09, 09:10
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