
Photo: Galit Kosovsky
Photo: Galit Kosovsky

IKEA coming to Haifa in 2012

Swedish furniture company in talks to open third branch in northern Israel in two-years' time

Swedish furniture company IKEA's second Israel store in the central city of Rishon Lezion has yet to open, but progress has already been made towards opening a third branch, this time in Haifa.


The company is holding talks with the Haifa and Nesher municipalities over building IKEA's third store in the area's joint industrial park.


The store is slated to be opened some time in 2012.


The area in question is a large lot near the Check Post Junction on the near Krayot bypass road to be built.


After facing difficulties with the location of the store in Rishon Lezion, which lead to gigantic losses due to the illegal use of a lot that was not authorized, the company plans to work with the municipalities on an agreement over an available lot the does not require any irregular permits.


The new compound plans to serve the following concept: Out of the city, in an open industrial zone, with the purpose of upgrading the site.


The Nesher Municipality is currently in need of a boost against Haifa, and opening an IKEA there would give it this, as it did in the case of Netanya in the past.


IKEA reported that so far, no concrete decisions have been made in the matter.


פרסום ראשון: 11.13.09, 07:39
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