
Medvedev. Iranian threat 'real'
Photo: AFP

Medvedev says Iranian threat should be treated seriously

Russian president tells European Jewish Congress delegation Iranian threat very real, notes military action against Islamist Republic would be catastrophic

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev told a visiting delegation from the European Jewish Congress (EJC) that the Iranian threat is very real, as is the one from North Korea and Pakistan, and should be treated seriously.


The EJC delegation, the democratically elected representative body of European Jewish communities, also discussed the possibility of sanctions with Medvedev and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who was also present.


The Russian president declared that Iran has to be more transparent and should any doubts on that point be raised then Moscow will have to take a tougher position. However, he stressed that the dialogue must continue in order not to push the Iranians into a corner and that a military action would lead to catastrophe.


Dr. Moshe Kantor, president of the EJC, expressed to the Russian leaders the concern of many about Iranian intentions.


“Iran has hegemonic global ambitions,” Kantor said. “No other nation has openly declared that they will seek to destroy another nation as Iranians do when they say ‘Death to Israel, the UK and the US’.”


Kantor’s position about the nature of the possible delivery of the S-300 is that “supplying Iran with a state-of-the-art missile system when it has called for the destruction of another state, meddled in the affairs of all of its neighbors, repressed its own people and continued to ignore the international community, is giving a prize to extremism and sending the wrong message to Iran and those watching around the world." 


פרסום ראשון: 11.26.09, 19:27
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