
Settlers protest in Kedumim, last week
Photo: Anat Agam

Building inspectors enter settlement from back

Kedumim residents block main entrance to community, causing Civil Administration representatives to come in from neighboring Arab villages. Settlers say that after distributing freeze orders, security forces used used violence against local council head, his deputy; forces say residents threw eggs on their cars

After several days of protests and obstructions, Civil Administration building inspectors and the security forces accompanying them found some sophisticated ways to enter the West Bank settlement of Kedumim on Sunday morning.


The residents complained that the forces used violence against the local council head and his deputy and forcibly removed young girls from the road.


The settlers heard that the inspectors were on their way to distribute construction freeze orders, in accordance with a recent cabinet decision. The residents reported that the inspectors, accompanied by police forces, came in from the nearby Arab village of Kadum and from a side path used by the security forces.


The residents rushed to the back entrance to block the inspectors, leaving the main gate open, allowing other Civil Administration inspectors to enter the community undisturbed.


According to the settlers, they then blocked the street the inspectors were visiting and stopped them from moving inside the community.


The inspectors and security forces said that the mission was accomplished and that the orders were distributed. They reported that eggs were thrown on their cars as they left the settlement.


The Prime Minister's Office announced Friday that a team headed by Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Minister Benny Begin will examine the implementation of the cabinet's decision to freeze construction in settlements.


The purpose of the team is to examine the ways in which the freeze orders are being implemented while taking into account the needs of the residents of the settlements in question and meeting the cabinet's conditions.


פרסום ראשון: 12.06.09, 09:43
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