
Photo: Gil Nehoshtan
Photo: Gil Nehoshtan

Illegal Palestinian alien employed as yeshiva guard

Police arrested three illegal aliens in large yeshiva in Petah Tikva, one of whom was employed as security guard. Contractor who hired them also detained. Yeshiva management claims had not knowledge workers were Palestinian

Police on Thursday arrested a Palestinian who was residing illegally in Israel and was working as a security guard in a yeshiva in Petah Tikva.


The man is suspected to have been employed at the yeshiva for many months. Two other Palestinians who worked as building superintendent and cleaner at the establishment were also arrested.


Upon the police's inquiry the three initially presented Israeli ID cards which proved to be fake. It was later discovered that they were in fact Palestinian residents of Nablus aged 19 and 30. It was also revealed that none of them had any work or stay permits and were residing in Israel illegally.


Following the arrest the police also detained the contractor who hired the three, a 56-year-old Petah Tikva resident, suspected of employing illegal aliens.


Yaniv Katan, a superintendent in the Petah Tikva police said that "as part of Israeli guidelines, it is prohibited to employ Palestinians in any form of security position, even if they have work and stay permits." He noted that the police regards the incident with gravity.


The yeshiva management stated that they had no knowledge that the workers were illegal aliens and the seminary's heads claimed in their testimonies that they did not know they were Palestinians.


The Sharon District Police routinely act against illegal Palestinian aliens who work in educational establishments, usually in cleaning jobs.


פרסום ראשון: 12.24.09, 13:37
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