
Explosives neutralized safely
Photo: ldo Erez

9 pipe-bombs found hidden near junction

Police locate explosives cache concealed along Route 443; find ready-to-use bombs yards away from local bus stop. Explosives neutralized safely; incident believed criminal

Police uncovered an explosives cache hidden near a bus station in the Ginaton Junction – a major point along central Israel's routes 443 and 40.


Nine ready-to-use pipe bombs were found in the cache Wednesday. The explosives were neutralized safely and police believe they were hidden by criminal elements.


Police intelligence gathered by the Lod Police Station indicated the cache's existence. Detectives following the lead located it Wednesday night, and were astounded to find nine bombs hidden in it. The story was only cleared for publication Thursday.


While police usually stake out such locations, in order to apprehend suspects, the officers to call in the local Police bomb squad.


Sappers were able to safely neutralize all nine devices in an operation which took several hours. The devices were taken to the police crime lab in hopes of finding clues that would lead to those who hid them.


פרסום ראשון: 12.24.09, 17:23
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