
Livni and Mofaz (archives)
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Mofaz demands urgent meeting with Livni

Kadima chairwoman turns down MK's request to set date for primary elections. 'We must let the public must decide between Livni's weakness and arrogance and Mofaz's leadership,' says aide to Kadima's No. 2 member

Knesset Member Shaul Mofaz (Kadima) turned to his party's chairwoman, opposition leader Tzipi Livni, and asked for an urgent meeting Thursday in order to set a date for primary elections.


"Livni's leadership has failed, less than a year after the elections" one of Mofaz's associates said. "Half of the Kadima party has been negotiating with another party. "We will let the public choose between Livni's weakness and arrogance and Mofaz's leadership."


One of Livni's associates said in response that Mofaz was told she would not meet with him on Thursday. "She is not dealing with this issue," the aide said.


Earlier this week, the Kadima faction rejected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's offer to join the government, and Livni launched an unprecedented attack on Netanyahu.


"Today hope defeated cynicism, essence defeated the political activism which the Knesset has witnessed in the past weak. We saw the greatest form of cynicism, which is unfortunately represented by a man who is first of all the Israeli prime minister, while the entire nation was holding its breath and waiting for a decision on the life of a soldier."


פרסום ראשון: 12.31.09, 10:53
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