
Leon laid to rest
Photo: Avi Rokach

7-year old Leon buried with toys

Boy murdered over weekend laid to rest in Bnei Ayish. ‘We are all with you,’ says council head

Seven-year old Leon Kalantarov, who was murdered this weekend in Bnei Ayish, was laid to rest Sunday in Ashdod cemetery. His body was found at the home of twins Naor and Adir Sudmi, who were arrested for his murder.


Dozens of relatives and friends accompanied Kalantarov to his final resting place. His body was lowered into the grave along with a bag of toys supplied by his friends.


Mark Basin, head of the Bnei Ayish Council, attended the funeral and comforted the parents. “A great disaster has befallen us,” he told them.


“Your son Leon was taken away. He was murdered. We grieve with you and the entire country grieves with you. I have no words that can comfort you. This horrible deed cannot be understood. Leon’s smile cries out to the sky.”


Leon’s teacher told the parents, “All of Bnei Ayish is with you. You are not alone.” The parents were heard weeping fervently when their son’s body was prepared for burial.


Toys placed in grave (Photo: Avi Rokach)


Principal of Leon’s school, Miki Meir, said she had not been calm since learning of the murder. “I sit and think how I can write a eulogy for such a young boy. Just last month we celebrated your seventh birthday,” she said at the cemetery.


“I remember the progress you made, you had only just begun to read and you were so proud. At lunch breaks you always shared with everyone the impressive meals your parents sent, because you were so generous. Just last week, at the parents’ conference, you came with your family and I told your parents how you had grown and that you learned to read. Today we say goodbye, and I pray that justice will be served.”


The father emerged from the room in which his son’s body was being prepared, crying out in anguish. He then had to be held up by family members and given a drink of water.


President Shimon Peres spoke over the weekend of the recent murders of children, among these that of baby Fruma Inshin in Jerusalem, and expressed his dismay.


“Citizens of Israel arose to a morning of difficult reports and we cannot accept these incidents,” he said. “This time the people need to enlist – it is our obligation to be shocked and learn the required lessons so that our children can grow up in a safe environment.”


פרסום ראשון: 01.03.10, 14:39
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