
Uzi Arad
Photo: Shaul Golan
Rescue attempt at Chabad House in Mumbai (archives)
Photo: Reuters

Report: Defense delegation departs secretly for India

Al-Houra TV station says delegation headed by National Security Advisor Arad to discuss al-Qaeda, Iranian threats, and possibly safety of Israeli tourists in India

An Israeli defense delegation headed by National Security Advisor Uzi Arad has departed secretly for India, according to American Arab-language television station al-Houra.


According to the report, published Monday, the delegation plans on holding discussions on the imminent threat from al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The delegation reportedly will express its concern that Pakistani nuclear weapons may fall into the wrong hands.


It was also reported that the sides will discuss the Iranian nuclear program, as well as potential defense and intelligence cooperation.


India recently marked the first anniversary of the terror attacks in Mumbai, which killed 166 people. About a month-and-a-half ago seven Pakistanis suspected of involvement in last year's attacks were indicted on terrorism charges by Pakistani authorities.


The discussions in India may also focus on the safety of Israeli tourists in India. Israel's Counter-Terrorism Bureau (CTB) recently said the threat of possible attacks against Israelis traveling in India has become "significantly more severe."


The bureau said there was a "concrete threat" of attacks on Chabad centers and synagogues throughout India, including Goa, as well as on sites frequented by Israelis and westerners.


On Rosh Hashanah eve the CTB warned Israelis to refrain from visiting crowded tourist hubs that are not secured by armed guards. Israelis were also advised not to travel to Jammu and Kashmir, India's northernmost state.


Israel is the leading exporter of weapons to India. 


פרסום ראשון: 01.04.10, 15:05
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