
MK Shaul Mofaz
Photo: Ofer Amram
Kadima Chairwoman Tzipi Livni
Photo: Itzki Edri, Kadima Spokesperson's Office

Mofaz: Livni's response on primaries hysterical

Ahead of discussion on moving up Kadima primaries, MK Mofaz comes out against party chairwoman, says, 'She prefers dividing and destroying Kadima instead of democratically and properly addressing issues.' If primaries decided against, estimates are that Mofaz will push for split

The storm in Kadima wages on. "Livni's response to moving up primaries is a hysterical and cowardly one. If this is how she becomes alarmed by primaries, what will happen when she is faced with more fateful decisions?" quipped Member of Knesset Shaul Mofaz on Thursday in response to Kadima Chairwoman Tzipi Livni's refusal to push up party primaries.


In a conversation with his associates, Mofaz said, "Livni is afraid. There is nothing more democratic than primaries. She prefers to divide and destroy Kadima instead of democratically and properly confronting (issues)."


According to sources in Kadima close with Mofaz, "Livni is not deterred by seeing Kadima destroyed and divided."


According to estimates, Mofaz will lead a group of Knesset members splitting from Kadima if primaries are not held soon.


Ynet published Wednesday that Livni said in closed talks that she made her final decision not to heed Mofaz's demand that party primaries be held at an earlier date.


Kadima's committee for party affairs is slated to convene Thursday afternoon in order to discuss pushing up the primaries. As was first published in Ynet, the committee chairman, MK Tzahi Hanegbi, is expected to present a proposal stipulating that primaries are to be held either a year or nine months prior to general elections.


Livni associates estimate the Mofaz's demand will be rejected during Thursday's meeting and that Hanegbi's proposal will be accepted if it is voted on.


פרסום ראשון: 01.21.10, 12:47
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