
Weintestin. Submitted document
Photo: Ido Erez
Olmert. Senior defendant
Photo: Guy Assayag

New AG submits conflict of interests document

Yehuda Weinstein's past clients include former Prime Minister Olmert, woman linked to Israeli-Russian businessman Arcadi Gaydamak, Israel Railways and MK Shaul Mofaz

Attorney Yehuda Weinstein has submitted a document titled "conflict of interests arrangement" to Justice Minister Yaakov Ne'eman ahead of assuming the role of attorney general.


Weinstein stated in the document, "I hereby declare that as part of my public position, I will refrain from making decisions, taking part or engaging in any other way, directly or indirectly, in matters which may put me in a situation of an apparent conflict of interests… in any case or interest I have handled (including with others) and/or which was handled by my law firm, whether by myself personally or by any of the law firm's office, throughout my entire tenure."


The document adds, "In any case of an apparent conflict of interests, I will be replaced by any element appointed legally."


The document is particularly interesting, as this is the first time in many years that a lawyer from the entire market assumes this senior position.


The document details some of the interesting cases Weinstein will not be able to deal with. The most prominent case is the trial against former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert for charges of fraud, breach of trust, falsifying records, receiving illicit benefits and tax evasion.


Another client of Weinstein's law firm is the "Association of citizens supporting Shaul Mofaz", which helped the former minister in the Kadima primary elections.


As attorney general, Weinstein will not be able to handle affairs involving his former client Israel Railways, a giant governmental cooperation, including in charges of causing death out of negligence following two train crashes which left seven people dead and about 300 injured.


The document reveals that Weinstein is also linked to a trial against Israeli-Russian businessman Arcadi Gaydamak, as he represented a senior Bank Hapoalim worker who is one of the defendants.


Another interesting affair is that of retired Judge Dan Cohen, who is accused of bribery and is slated to be extradited from Peru to Israel. Weinstein stated that he was involved in an attempt to reach a plea bargain on the matter.


Weinstein also represented Oleg Deripaska, one of the biggest oligarchs, in a civil claim against businessman Michael Cherney, who was suspected of criminal offenses in the past.


Not a board of directors member

Weinstein declares in the document that he has been serving as a private solicitor since 1979 and that he specializes in the criminal field. He also states that he is not a member of any board of directors or management of a corporation and has not filled such roles in the past four years. He does not have holdings in any corporations and is not a partner in any business bodies belonging to him or to his relatives.


It should be noted that in the document's public version many details on cases Weinstein handled were erased due to lack of public concern or gag orders.


Weinstein vows to shut down his law firm and cease its activity. All the cases handled by the office will be handed over to other lawyers.


He also promises to take a two-year cooling-off period from handling any cases involving lawyers who worked at his law firm. He clarifies, however, that he may handle matters with implications on the entire public or wide sectors, even if they involve clients he represented in the past.


פרסום ראשון: 01.22.10, 09:52
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