
Supreme Court President Dorit Beinish
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Chief Justice Beinish: We won't be deterred

Judges express support for Supreme Court president in wake of shoe attack; Courts won't be deterred from duty to improve atmosphere, condemn violence, she says

The chief justices of Israel's various courts convened for a special meeting Thursday, a day after the shoe-throwing incident that injured Supreme Court President Dorit Beinish.


They judges expressed their concern over the incident and issued a statement declaring that "The chief justices see this incident as one that undermines a national symbol and as an insult to the entire legal establishment, which represents one of the pillars of democracy in the State of Israel."


Justice Beinish replied to their statement in a letter: "I received the letters of support, appreciation and encouragement. Due to the circumstances, I am not able to reply to each of you personally.


"I share your concern over the general atmosphere and the violent acts committed against judges, public administration personnel as well as each and every person," wrote the chief justice and added, "Unfortunately, law enforcement figures and judges are exposed to these kinds of threats nowadays more than ever before.


"However, as I sense from your letters and based on my own personal feelings, we are not deterred from our duty to improve the atmosphere and condemn violence."


President Beinish concluded the letter with the words: "Thank you from the bottom of my heart, to each and every one of you."


The thrower of the shoe that hit Beinish, Pini Cohen, was indicted Thursday morning for aggravated assault, malicious injury, and disgracing the court.


The indictment, issued by the police to Jerusalem Magistrates' Court in an expedited process, reveals that Cohen was embroiled in legal proceedings prior to Wednesday's incident that reportedly caused him to grow increasingly embittered toward judges in the judicial system.


פרסום ראשון: 01.28.10, 22:21
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