
'Focus on diplomacy.' Braverman
Photo: Dana Kopel
'Damaged Israel's image.' Lieberman
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Minister Braverman: Lieberman will increase Israel's isolation

Labor member says Israel's sensitive position in international community calls for 'responsible, prudent foreign policy'

"The foreign minister is busy with internal politics rather than diplomacy," Minorities Minister Avishay Braverman (Labor) told a cultural forum in Ramat Hasharon on Saturday two days after Avigdor Lieberman threatened Syria.


"Given Israel's sensitive position in the international community, we are in need of diplomacy and a responsible and prudent foreign policy, not a policy that is driven by domestic political considerations," said Braverman.


"The damage (Lieberman) caused Israel's image in the international community is not only short-term; it will increase Israel's isolation in the long-term," added the minister.


On Thursday Lieberman warned Syrian President Bashar Assad that in an event of war with Israel, "not only will you lose the war, you and your family will no longer be in power."


The London-based Arabic newspaper Asharq al-Awsat on Saturday quoted an official French source as saying that Lieberman was "hot-tempered", adding that Paris holds the FM largely responsible for the heightened tensions between Israel and Syria.


פרסום ראשון: 02.06.10, 12:23
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