
Riot in Bilin (Archives)
Photo: AP
Jonathan Pollak
Photo: Abigail Uzi

Leftists, Palestinians protest in 3 locations near Ramallah

No injuries reported during clashes with security forces in rallies against construction of West Bank security barrier; leftist leader Pollak arrested

Left-wing activists, Palestinians, and foreigners protested on Friday against the construction of the West Bank security barrier at three difference locations near Ramallah.


Near Dir Nizaf, northwest of Ramallah, some 50 Palestinians threw stones at the security forces, which returned fire and used crowd dispersal methods.


During one of the rallies the army arrested left-wing activist Jonathan Pollak for entering Area A in violation of a military order.


Some 100 Palestinians, left-wing activists, and foreigners held a similar demonstration near the Palestinian village of Na'alin, west of Ramallah, while another 100 or so people protested in Bilin. No injuries were reported in any of the incidents.


Mohammed Khatib of the Bilin Popular Committee against the Wall told Ynet that some protesters inhaled tear gas and that the army chased them into the village.


On Thursday Ynet reported that measurements have commenced ahead of the anticipated changes in the route of a 1.7 kilometer (about a mile) section of the West Bank security barrier, which was built on land belonging to Bilin.


It is estimated that it will be some time before the actual paving of the new route begins.


Hanan Greenberg and Ali Waked contributed to the report


פרסום ראשון: 02.12.10, 14:47
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