
MK Ben-Ari attacked in east Jerusalem

Arab woman pours water on rightist MK

Elderly woman targets National Union's Michael Ben Ari in east Jerusalem, flees scene

Wet protest against rightist MK: National Union Knesset Member Michael Ben Ari was attacked Saturday by an elderly east Jerusalem woman, who poured water on him near the Tomb of Simeon the Just in the capital.


The woman managed to flee the scene of the attack before Ben Ari managed to nab her.


MK Ben Ari was the guest of Jewish families who have recently moved into the area. The Knesset member said he was warned about a possible attack, and therefore he was accompanied by Jerusalem Police forces who stayed with him until the end of Shabbat.


However, while he was making his way to his vehicle with his children, an elderly woman approached Ben Ari and poured the water on him, before fleeing. The MK attempted to pursue her but failed to catch her.


Police forces called to the scene spoke with Ben Ari and took down a complainant. He will be summoned to the police station to provide a full account of the incident Sunday.


The attacked Knesset member told Ynet later: "The police must act firmly against lawbreakers. Today it's water, but tomorrow it may be, heaven forbid, acid or a knife."


פרסום ראשון: 02.13.10, 21:59
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